General Information

If you are aware of other examples you believe to be important to include here, please send the information to HEVM for consideration.

New addition:

Our Honor


Database on alternatives, all levels of education including some in veterinary medical field.

They provide free loan of many items through The Science Bank.

Provides resources on studies done on humane alternatives and alternatives that are available.


Extensive database on alternatives and loan systems, all levels of education including veterinary medical field.

Network Of Veterinarians In Continuing Education (NOVICE)

Although this is not about humane education per se, it could be a source of information.

From their Web site: …aims to investigate the role of Web 2.0 technologies (for example, wikis and blogs) in supporting veterinary informal, lifelong learning. Specifically, the project seeks to develop a strong network of veterinary students and practitioners throughout Europe, supported by ICT and veterinary educationalists.


Includes previous NORINA (A Norwegian Inventory of Alternatives) database.

From their Web site: Norecopa is Norway’s National Consensus Platform for the advancement of “the 3 Rs” (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement) in connection with animal experiments. Norecopa was founded on 10 October 2007.

Our Honor

A network of veterinary medical health professionals who advocate for students who are faced with intimidation, ridicule or other negative pressures when challenging the exploitation of other animals in their education.

Updated 2023-12-14